7 reasons to watch paddling and canoeing!
7 reasons to watch paddling and canoeing! A lot has already been said about why…

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It's no secret that the more a person moves, the better his health. This truth…

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Hungarian Blondes: Natasha and Danuta
This time famous sportswomen answer questions from KanoeSport: Natasha Dushev-Yanich and Danuta Kozak. It is…


Training Music - Your Motivation
The incredible impact of music on the human body is still poorly investigated. It is…

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This article is not about "sports nutrition" i. anabolic drugs and various dietary supplements, information…



Meldoni: scandals, rumors, investigations

Large-scale scandal associated with meldonium, is gaining momentum. Because of him, Russia has already lost several leading athletes. More than one hundred positive doping samples recorded.
On September 30, 2015, meldonium (MILDRONAT) was added to the Prohibited List of Substances and Methods of the 2016 World Anti-Doping Agency. It is added to class S4 (Hormones and metabolic modulators).
Reception should be excluded both in the competitive and in the out-of-competition periods. From January 1, 2016, the detection in the athlete’s sample of a given substance is a violation of the anti-doping rules. Continue reading

Effective health promotion exercises

Almost all experts in the field of fitness believe that there are no miraculous exercises that allow you to get sports forms in just 10-15 minutes of training. In sports, you get as much as you invest. But this does not mean that your workouts should be exhausting.
However, the same experts say that not all exercises are equally effective. Various exercises are most effective at different levels of training. Some are aimed at burning fat, while others are aimed at building muscle.
So, the following exercises can be called the most effective and have a positive impact on human health. Continue reading

Salo – strength, sport – the grave?

Almost all of us in childhood engaged in any sport. But only a few continue to do this in later life, and the rest make excuses, explaining the lack of time, money, desire. And really, is there any point in doing sports or going to the gym?
There’s a meaning. No matter what they say, in any case sport strengthens the body and health and allows you to keep yourself in shape. Unfortunately, modern youth and adults do not want to go in for sports, certainly underestimating the important role of sports development in our life. And there are many options – from dancing to weightlifting. What is the point of going to the gym or doing any sports? Continue reading

70 years from the Victory Day!
Today is a significant date - 70 years from the date of the Great Victory!…


Interesting facts about the Dakar Rally
The organizer of the legendary Paris-Dakar auto marathon is the French motorcyclist Thierry Sabin. In…


Fill the board. Symmetry around us
At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake…
