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Rowing technique!

The theme of technical rowing and canoeing always raises lively discussions. In the center of attention – the cycles of movement of the rower in the boat. Why don’t sportsmen with good technique always win? Does the Olympiad winners always have it? From whom to take an example? And finally, what is special to do to gain the glory of the “technical rower”?

Olympic “gold” and rowing technique

Talking about rowing technique is impossible without mentioning Olympic champions – athletes who, in theory, should have the best rowing technique in the world, because they are champions! The best of the best are revealed at the Olympic Games – this is exactly what the authors of the motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius!” Meant.

It seems that one should not take into account exceptional cases: doping in the blood of the winner, controversial situations, talents unknown to the public with fantastic rowing technique, etc.
So, is the net victory in the Olympic Games – the most competitive sports competition – the main evidence that its owner is the most technical rower in the world?

Technology is not all
If you are the first, then you are technical,

but if you are technical, this does not mean

what will be the first.

If you are the first, then you are the best, and, accordingly, you do everything right. So, you have the highest level of rowing technique. So? We believe not, and here’s why.
Victory is a result that becomes possible due to many factors, ranging from the psychological mood of the participant in the Games and ending with success. Rowing technique occupies an important, but not the only and not central place. She, in turn, depends on many of its factors, including even the weight and size of the paddle. We must not forget about the trainers, whose work, theoretical knowledge and practical experience, attentiveness and much more contribute to the victory of the student. It is logical to assume that the title of Olympic champion is not a guarantee of perfect technique.
Sometimes it happens that the technique of a kayaker or a canoeist is sufficient to win, but physical fitness and strength do not allow an athlete to take first place. That’s what Clint Robinson thinks about it, the winner of three medals at the Olympic Games and four at the World Championships:

“The fact that you look good and people agree with this does not guarantee you a victory. Otherwise, we would always bet on an athlete with good technique and would be millionaires if an athlete who looks the best would always win. ”

Special opinion

KanoeSport asked a question about rowing technique Ilya Medvedev:

“Technically, it’s not difficult to compare grandees. They all have one distinguishing feature – the supporting arm! This hand of all the elite rowers is rigid, and all the work is twisted around it! The body, pelvis and legs work. Anton Ryakhov and Eric Larsen! They are more economical in terms of energy costs. And most importantly, their equipment does not require incredible physical training.

If we talk about Koeverden, then I always considered him a physically strong and sturdy rower who has an ideal job. However, not everyone will be able to repeat this, because in his technique a very large load goes to the supporting arm. An ordinary person will get already clogged forearm to 500 meters! The same can be said about Max Hoff. His technique is very good and individual. With such work, you need to have strong hands and a strong body.

By the way, it is reasonable to note that under the technique of these two guys who love to win everything (Hoff and Koeverden), the paddle of the Janteks Gamma form is very suitable! It concentrates the beginning and provides the necessary support in the water. This, of course, can not affect the rapid movement of the boat. But if you think that taking a Gamma paddle and copying Max for a carbon copy, you will go just as quickly, you are deeply mistaken. Anton and I tried more than once to discover the Gamma with a technique similar to Hoffovsky … and left these attempts. You need to have damn strong hands to hold him with such support as that of Max. Despite the fact that the boat is going many times faster, the forces leave you also at high speed. Hands scored to the finish and speed is several times slower – that’s what we got, trying to row like Max Hoff. But there was a quick first 500 metering. In general, I consider the “hammered” hands to the finish to be the biggest rock for the 1000 Baidarist. We need to look for something more appropriate in the Jantex family. ”
Rowing Technology Forum

The Rowing Technology Forum has existed at Kanoesport for a long time. Here are just some of the questions that were raised from the athletes in this thread of discussion:

What is the feeling of water, and where is it in the body in the sensations?

Why is the bow of the boat jumping up and down when accelerating, and how to correct this error?

Is there an ideal individual technique for a specific athlete? How can you “find” or “calculate”?

The 5 most interesting opinions about rowing technique from the Canoeport forum:

“In the age of computers, I think, it is quite possible to create a biomechanical model for each individual athlete. Probably somewhere this is already being done. ”

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