70 years from the Victory Day!
Today is a significant date - 70 years from the date of the Great Victory!…

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Dangerous rowing in Rio de Janeiro
Dead fish, shallowing, whirlpools, algae and viruses ... The problems are pouring into the Rodrigue…

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Parents: how to instill in the child a love for sport
- The desire to start playing sports can not occur in a child by itself.…


Adam van Coverden on rowing and training
“Everyone has heard about canoes and kayaks, but not everyone knows how we handle them.”…

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Adam van Koeverden: scammers have no excuses
A recent article about a baseball player who admits to doping has outraged Adam van…


the greates

Fill the board. Symmetry around us

At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake is absolutely still. Cutting the mirror with the bow of the boat is pleasure! If you do not row and look at the picture, then you will make a couple of interesting discoveries.
The symmetry on the water surface, an unusually pleasant to the eye, seems truly poetic to those who appreciate such a view of things. Continue reading

Doping is a special medication used by athletes to forcibly improve the performance of the…


St. Petersburg rowers do not have enough water
Paradox: in the "city on the water" athletes have nowhere to row. The existing channel…


Sport and Poetry on Lake Inkit - Parakanoe Team
The reserved lake and the special atmosphere of the boarding house - this is why…
