Training diary or training diary
Some athletes who train on the water or in the gym periodically record something in…

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Interesting facts about the Dakar Rally
The organizer of the legendary Paris-Dakar auto marathon is the French motorcyclist Thierry Sabin. In…

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70 years from the Victory Day!
Today is a significant date - 70 years from the date of the Great Victory!…


70 years from the Victory Day!
Today is a significant date - 70 years from the date of the Great Victory!…

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St. Petersburg rowers do not have enough water
Paradox: in the "city on the water" athletes have nowhere to row. The existing channel…


The ancient Greeks

St. Petersburg rowers do not have enough water

Paradox: in the “city on the water” athletes have nowhere to row. The existing channel is not suitable for competition, and for 20 years the rowers of St. Petersburg have been waiting for a new one to be built. And nothing has changed.
Summer Olympics in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in our country, the “sea capital”, which is rightly proud of its atmosphere, culture and architecture.

It was here in 1864 that the first rowing club in Russia appeared, and professional rowing was born. Continue reading

Dangerous rowing in Rio de Janeiro

Dead fish, shallowing, whirlpools, algae and viruses … The problems are pouring into the Rodrigue de Freitas lagoon, where the Olympic Games will be held next year.
What measures are being taken by the organizers, and how can participation in competitions for rowers turn out?
The Olympic Committee of Rio de Janeiro refused to conduct tests for the presence of viruses in the waters of the Rodrigou de Freitas lagoon, where the Olympic rowing distance is. Continue reading

The art of being a coach. Profession nuances

We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written in 2002 by the trainers of the British Canoe Union. Useful reading – only at CanoeSport.
One evening I sat on the canal bank and watched the training of four oarsmen. Soon I noticed a man nearby who also followed them closely. Every three or four circles, the rowers approached him and exchanged a couple of phrases. Continue reading

In the understanding of some people, a healthy child should be plump. Greater attention is…


Fill the board. Symmetry around us
At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake…


Meldoni: scandals, rumors, investigations
Large-scale scandal associated with meldonium, is gaining momentum. Because of him, Russia has already lost…
