Crimean rowing bases: today and tomorrow
Аfter a trip to the region, Vladimir Parfenovich and Yuri Khudoba provided detailed information on…

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Sports activities for children and adults
It is believed that for an ordinary person, frequent physical training is not as important…

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Baby hardening is especially important for toddlers of infants and debilitated children (premature, suffering from…


Adam van Coverden on rowing and training
“Everyone has heard about canoes and kayaks, but not everyone knows how we handle them.”…

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Sports - Rowing and Canoeing
Do not forget that for many sport is business, training and training is aimed not…


gradually increasing


What you need and even need to take with you to the pool? This question arises for all those who have decided to seriously engage in swimming. In this article we will tell you what you need for training in the pool.

Medical certificate
To visit most pools in our country requires a medical certificate (but not all). Such a medical certificate must confirm that you are not a peddler of various infections and that you are allowed to take swimming lessons for health reasons. Help can be easily done at your local doctor in the local clinic, it is enough for him to say that this certificate will be presented for visiting the pool. Continue reading

Olympic stamps: rowing in miniatures

Artists paint winning athletes on postage stamps, and collectors are ready to give a lot for a valuable fillsuvenir. If marks are a story, what can you learn about canoeing and canoeing?
Someone during the Olympics writes a paper letter and sends it to another continent. For the philatelist, this letter will eventually become a trophy, especially if there is a commemorative postage stamp on it. For those who are far from collectibles, the brand is first and foremost a peculiar, colorful, miniature story about sports. Continue reading

Crimean rowing bases: today and tomorrow
Аfter a trip to the region, Vladimir Parfenovich and Yuri Khudoba provided detailed information on…


Tips for the future world rowing champion
Tips for the future world champion in rowing. (2 part) Competitions are your finest hour,…


Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…
