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What you need and even need to take with you to the pool? This question arises for all those who have decided to seriously engage in swimming. In this article we will tell you what you need for training in the pool.

Medical certificate
To visit most pools in our country requires a medical certificate (but not all). Such a medical certificate must confirm that you are not a peddler of various infections and that you are allowed to take swimming lessons for health reasons. Help can be easily done at your local doctor in the local clinic, it is enough for him to say that this certificate will be presented for visiting the pool.

Swim or swimsuit
As probably guessed everyone, without swimming trunks or swimsuit in the pool will not be allowed. Men should think about what form of swimming is needed: slips, boxers or Bermuda? Bermuda suits only for those cases, if a man goes to the pool just to swim, and not to seriously engage in swimming. When swimming, Bermuda will only interfere with long swims, and impede movement in the water because of its large mass. For training, it is best to opt for slips or boxers. Slips are created according to the criteria, which include a system called “nothing extra”. Boxers, due to their large cut, fit the swimmer’s body tightly and do not restrain movement. Most popular, as you probably already guessed – slips. They are more ergonomic and swimmers feel much freer in them than in other types of swimming trunks. The main thing when choosing swimming trunks to pay attention to their size. Also, they should sit tight on the thighs, and in the most ideal variant – besides the elastic, they should also have a cord. For a trip to the pool, a woman is best to choose a solid swimsuit. It fits pretty tightly to the body. The fabric of which the swimsuit is made must contain at least 10% lycra. Various rhinestones, folds and frills – all this is superfluous for a sports swimsuit. If you still want to emphasize your beauty and slimness, then stop your choice on a swimsuit with contrasting inserts, which visually divides the body into vertical zones. It is very important to choose a swimsuit in size and in no case do not buy a swimsuit several sizes smaller.

Swimming Caps
All swimming caps that are designed for adults are the same size. Caps have a difference in only one thing – the material from which they are made. It can be fabric, latex or silicone. Silicone and fabric hats are less comfortable, and therefore recommended for those who plan rare trips to the pool. If you plan regular trips to the pool, then an ergonomic silicone cap is more suitable for you. It is also a rather comfortable hat made of cloth, but with its convenience there is one significant drawback – it has a rather strong friction of the head. There are also caps, hybrids. For example, on top of the fabric, and below the silicone.

Some of us assume that swimming goggles are not very necessary when going to the pool. Of course, you can do without them, but think for yourself what you are losing. You do not see anything in front of you and around you, and even standing in the water it becomes difficult for you to see anything due to the fact that you have sprayed your eyes and they begin to cloud due to the chlorine that is contained in the pool water. Some visitors to the pools do not like glasses because of the blue circles under their eyes. But today, you can buy glasses with a soft frame of neoprene. This is a rather soft material, and after it there are no blue circles left. If you are allergic to the materials that make swimming goggles – no problem. To date, in the manufacture of glasses, anti-allergens are mixed in, you just have to consult with the seller and choose more suitable ones for yourself.

Bast, towel, slippers and soap
In addition to equipment and medical certificates in the pool you need to take slippers and personal care products. In some basins of our country, before entering, be sure to check for soap and washcloths. Only after that you run into the locker room. It is imperative to take a shower before diving into the pool in order not to bring with you all the dirt that you have collected all day with your body and hair. You also need to wash after the pool, as no one will give you a guarantee that there are no germs and bacteria in the water. The towel that you take with you must be large in order to dry your entire body. And when you come home, do not forget to wash and dry the towel so that you do not go with the wet and dirty for the next workout. To protect your feet from fungi, move around the sides and paths of the pool in slippery slippers.

Now you know all the necessary things that you need to take with you to go to the pool.

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Sport and Poetry on Lake Inkit - Parakanoe Team
The reserved lake and the special atmosphere of the boarding house - this is why…


What you need and even need to take with you to the pool? This question…
