Parents: how to instill in the child a love for sport
- The desire to start playing sports can not occur in a child by itself.…

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Kayaking is also a sport.
"Silent hunting" in our time is gaining momentum, according to experts. What kind of trophy…

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Main characteristics of rowing technique
Be aware, feel the technique in theory. We will try to deal with the main…


The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…

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Rowing, fitness and functional training
Rowing and functional training In my hall for people with an average income, or economy…




The natural desire of any parent is to grow the child strong and healthy. Obviously, sports can help the child in this. However, there is not always an unequivocal answer to the question: at what age should a child be enrolled in a particular sports section or school?

Of course, everything is very individual here. What matters is the sex of the child, the degree of his development, and finally, a predisposition to any kind of sport. In this case, it is simply necessary that the child himself would have the desire to practice, because attending the “hard labor” workouts chosen by his parents will only negatively affect his mental health. Continue reading

Main characteristics of rowing technique

Be aware, feel the technique in theory. We will try to deal with the main points of rowing sports, in all their diversity. Rowing technique – a set of expediently organized motor actions of the rower, ensuring the forward movement of the boat and its retention on a given course.

Rowing sports, in all their diversity, such as rowing and canoeing, academic and popular rowing, rowing on dray and dragon boats, etc., belong to the group of cyclical sports. The movement of an athlete in these types is a chain of tens, hundreds and even thousands of relatively complete, similar and repetitive links – cycles of movement. Continue reading

Rowing, fitness and functional training

Rowing and functional training
In my hall for people with an average income, or economy class, the coaching staff is well prepared, but only two coaches give non-standard exercises. The rest stably “grow bodybuilders”, not releasing them far from the barbell and dumbbells. Stretching after strength training regularly teach only me. And four coaches from the direction of aerobics, that is, everyone does not understand how to work on “complex” strength simulators, do not know the techniques of basic power movements. Continue reading

Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


Meldoni: scandals, rumors, investigations
Large-scale scandal associated with meldonium, is gaining momentum. Because of him, Russia has already lost…


Dance Sport. A recognized sport.
The ancient Greeks, the founders of the Olympic movement never shared beauty and strength, art…
