Training diary or training diary
Some athletes who train on the water or in the gym periodically record something in…

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Crimean rowing bases: today and tomorrow
Аfter a trip to the region, Vladimir Parfenovich and Yuri Khudoba provided detailed information on…

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Rowing, fitness and functional training
Rowing and functional training In my hall for people with an average income, or economy…


Rowing and canoeing 2015. Announcement of the season
It remains about two months before the start of the new season. Training camps will…

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Native American biathlon: both to squander and shoot
Instead of skis - a boat, instead of a rifle - a bow. Exotic sport…


It was assumed


What you need and even need to take with you to the pool? This question arises for all those who have decided to seriously engage in swimming. In this article we will tell you what you need for training in the pool.

Medical certificate
To visit most pools in our country requires a medical certificate (but not all). Such a medical certificate must confirm that you are not a peddler of various infections and that you are allowed to take swimming lessons for health reasons. Help can be easily done at your local doctor in the local clinic, it is enough for him to say that this certificate will be presented for visiting the pool. Continue reading


How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think where to send their children to go in for sports often decide it based on their own taste and their unfulfilled desires. However, parents should be aware that the section they choose for the child, and therefore, first of all, you should focus on his abilities and capabilities.
The most important thing is not to hurry. Firstly, it is still almost impossible for babies to identify a predisposition to a particular sport. Secondly, coaches who are able to work with children are easy to count. Of the other sports at this age are available except wushu, aikido and alpine skiing. But it should be borne in mind that all such sections are commercial, there are too few of them, and they will most likely be away from your home. Continue reading

Training diary or training diary

Some athletes who train on the water or in the gym periodically record something in a training diary. These, of course, are not poetic sketches or sudden, brilliant ideas from the field of science. Just the habit of many athletes, athletes included keeping a training diary.

The fixation of the results helps in obtaining practical results, analysis and development of an optimal training system. Continue reading

The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…


Salo - strength, sport - the grave?
Almost all of us in childhood engaged in any sport. But only a few continue…


Hungarian Blondes: Natasha and Danuta
This time famous sportswomen answer questions from KanoeSport: Natasha Dushev-Yanich and Danuta Kozak. It is…
