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7 reasons to watch paddling and canoeing!

7 reasons to watch paddling and canoeing!
A lot has already been said about why rowing in canoes and canoes, this spectacular Olympic sport, is difficult to get on TV. Rivalry with other spectacular and beloved sporting events by the audience is indeed not an easy task. Fortunately, we are ready to name 7 reasons why rowing is winning more and more hearts of its fans.

1. Beautiful athletes and sportswomen!

The audience, enjoying the soft sofa, of course, realizes that the luxurious body of athletes – all these chiseled lines, muscles and golden skin – are the result of training, competition and a healthy lifestyle. But at first the spectators and spectators do not always think about it, but simply enjoy the athletic build of the male rowers and the immaculate tanning of girls: canoeists and canoe girls. In this case, the attractive appearance is not just a beautiful picture, but a decent frame for the personality, character and, often, champion title;)

The media is often fascinated by girls and men who know how to handle oars;) As a result, viewers and readers of the Internet see more luxurious photo shoots of young, healthy, charming athletes.

2. What a dynamic, what a sight!

Rowing and canoeing gives a complete picture of the speed that a person is able to develop, being in a small boat and having a paddle in hand. In 2012, for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, discipline K-2 200 m was added to the program. Finally, viewers were able to see how spectacular this distance was!

Just think about it: overcome 200 meters in a kayak-two for 32.051 seconds! This is the first Olympic record, and it is gratifying that it belongs to Russian athletes: Alexander Dyachenko and Yury Postrigai. In London, this wonderful tandem finished first, both at the preliminary stage and in the semifinals, and – which is quite logical – in the final race.
Adrenaline, courage, speed – and all this against the backdrop of stunning landscapes, which are the “rowing cause number 3.”

3. Stunning landscapes – I would go there!

Competitions in this sport are held on specially arranged rowing canals and almost always against the backdrop of amazing seascapes. Brilliant kayaks and canoes cut the surface of the water:

– in Germany (Duisburg, Munich, Bochum);

– in Poland (Poznan);

– in Croatia (Zagreb);

– in Belgium (Hazewinkel);

– in Bulgaria (Plovdiv);

– in Mexico (Xochimilco);

– in Canada (Notre Dame);

– in Brazil (Curitiba), etc.

With all due respect to hockey or curling, with all thanks to the creators of the stadiums, it is impossible to dispute the following: thanks to the “natural scenery” the rowing competitions look impressive. Here are just a few examples:

– The Eton Dorney Channel (on Lake Dorney), located near Windsor Castle, 25 miles from London;

– Australian island of Tasmania, whose fantastic nature needs no introduction. It was here that the unique 5-day Mark Webber Challenge took place;

– Shun-I canoe park in China, which combines the venue of the competition and the treasury of natural, forest resources of this Chinese region.
4. It is elementary, Watson!

Kayaking and canoeing does not require any special intellectual effort or deep understanding of the rules from the audience. It is not necessary to be an expert, there are no hidden “chess” combinations. In a certain sense of the word, it is a simple sport. Start and finish. Distance and time. Nothing extra. Who came to the finish line first gets the laurels of the winner and shares the honors with his partners, if the race was for “twos” or “fours”.

5. Rowing without limits!

Fortunately, the “Purposeful investment program for the construction and reconstruction of specialized sports bases for rowing sports in the Russian Federation in 2012-2020” is being implemented quite successfully in Russia. This means that rowing lovers will soon have additional opportunities to observe the competitions in the sport of interest to us. While the program is underway, the viewer has several options for monitoring their favorite athletes, and video broadcasting is the most popular one.

It does not matter what city the viewer is in. Rowing and canoeing is popular all over the world, athletes from about 80 countries participate in the World Championships and the Olympic Games. According to the overall medal standings and public interest in this sport, Hungary and Germany are currently leading: each of these countries has more than 70 medals in the piggy bank. The non-existent USSR is still in third place, and our athletes are now creating a new, Russian rowing history. Many of them have already managed to check in at international competitions and find recognition from the fans.

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