Sports - Rowing and Canoeing
Do not forget that for many sport is business, training and training is aimed not…

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Dangerous rowing in Rio de Janeiro
Dead fish, shallowing, whirlpools, algae and viruses ... The problems are pouring into the Rodrigue…

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Effective health promotion exercises
Almost all experts in the field of fitness believe that there are no miraculous exercises…


Hungarian Blondes: Natasha and Danuta
This time famous sportswomen answer questions from KanoeSport: Natasha Dushev-Yanich and Danuta Kozak. It is…

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Rowing technique!
The theme of technical rowing and canoeing always raises lively discussions. In the center of…


canoeists and three


A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of “lying on the couch” at the TV lazy. And this is the right decision, because an active life position not only helps a person to see the world in all its colors, but also strengthens health, helps to prolong and improve the quality of life. Sports activities will help you to gain perfect physical form, strengthen immunity, look at life in a new way and achieve success in life, because physical activity develops stamina and strength of mind in a person. Therefore, if you want to start playing sports, you need to consider many options and choose the most suitable one for you. Continue reading


One of the brightest and most popular events on the planet is the Olympic Games. Any athlete who has managed to climb the podium at the Olympic competitions will receive the status of Olympic champion for life, and his achievements remain in the world history of sports for centuries. Where and how did the Olympics originate and what is their story? Let’s try to briefly understand the history of the occurrence and holding of the Olympic Games. Continue reading

Cherche la femme. Try – catch up!

Who said that the girls are weak and bring trouble to the ship? Superstition and sea nonsense! The girl in the boat – to the platonic love, and the junior sprinter – to the prizes and express interviews at CanoeSport.
Selection to the national team is over. The second and third rounds ended, in which the girls performed in “singles” and “twos” at distances of 200, 500 and 1000 meters.

Where are the best girls? In the rowing club! Continue reading

How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most…


Meldoni: scandals, rumors, investigations
Large-scale scandal associated with meldonium, is gaining momentum. Because of him, Russia has already lost…


Training diary or training diary
Some athletes who train on the water or in the gym periodically record something in…
