Winter Olympics - competitions of athletes from all over the world in regulated winter sports.…

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What to do when a sports career is over?
Olympic career is short-lived. When it comes to an end, it becomes important whether you…

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Evgeny Korotyshkin - exclusive interview
We present to your attention the most interesting material: an interview with the silver medalist…


The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…

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Effective health promotion exercises
Almost all experts in the field of fitness believe that there are no miraculous exercises…


I had ever though

Two in a canoe: $ 20 fine

The appearance in America of the first recreational canoe caused a stir among the youth. The police had to patrol urban waters and issue fines for couples for indecent behavior. About the times, about morals …
Canoedling – new romance on the water
For nearly a century in the United States dominated the fashion of dating in a canoe. Lovers conquered nearby waters with enthusiasm of salmon, seeking to spawn upstream. The scandalous rendezvous received the unofficial name “canoedling” – from the German “knuddeln”, which means “strong arms”. Continue reading

Adam van Koeverden: scammers have no excuses

A recent article about a baseball player who admits to doping has outraged Adam van Koeverden. The famous rower dotted all the “i” and explained why you can not put up with breaking the rules.

In early November, an article by Kesel Kelly was published in the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail. In it, the journalist tried to justify one of the most successful professional American baseball players, Alex Rodriguez, who was recently disqualified for doping. Kelly believes that the audience wants to see, and they do not care if the athlete is honest or resorts to tricks. Continue reading

Fill the board. Symmetry around us
At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake…


In the understanding of some people, a healthy child should be plump. Greater attention is…


Frank photoshoot rowers
From time to time, athletes agree to provocative photo shoots and unequivocally demonstrate their excellent…
