Rowing technique!
The theme of technical rowing and canoeing always raises lively discussions. In the center of…

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Two in a canoe: $ 20 fine
The appearance in America of the first recreational canoe caused a stir among the youth.…

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Sport and Poetry on Lake Inkit - Parakanoe Team
The reserved lake and the special atmosphere of the boarding house - this is why…


70 years from the Victory Day!
Today is a significant date - 70 years from the date of the Great Victory!…

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Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


who brought


One of the brightest and most popular events on the planet is the Olympic Games. Any athlete who has managed to climb the podium at the Olympic competitions will receive the status of Olympic champion for life, and his achievements remain in the world history of sports for centuries. Where and how did the Olympics originate and what is their story? Let’s try to briefly understand the history of the occurrence and holding of the Olympic Games. Continue reading

Doping is a special medication used by athletes to forcibly improve the performance of the…


Sports activities for children and adults
It is believed that for an ordinary person, frequent physical training is not as important…


Frank photoshoot rowers
From time to time, athletes agree to provocative photo shoots and unequivocally demonstrate their excellent…
