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Frank photoshoot rowers

From time to time, athletes agree to provocative photo shoots and unequivocally demonstrate their excellent physical form. The naked torsos of canoeists, the seductive figures of canoe-makers … Freedom of choice and freedom of press lead to the appearance of photographs that are as risky as they are tantalizing. С is ready to discuss the topic of delicate photo experiments!

Easier, easier, more fun!

At one time, Stanislavsky exclaimed “Easier, easier, more fun!” This motto is applicable to any type of activity, given that a sense of humor has not prevented anyone yet. There is nothing terrible in sometimes allowing yourself a bit of mischief and showing the public a little more, especially if this “a little more” looks presentable.

The question of indiscreet photo shoots is also relevant in the light of recent discussions on the issue of gender equality in rowing. Among professional rowers – not only men, but also a large number of charming girls. And those and others have the right to show themselves to a wide audience in all its glory, provided that the photos are made with taste and do not evoke the idea of ​​pornography. Here are two excellent examples:

How does the public perceive such photos?

The reaction is ambiguous, but more often it is a cocktail of admiration, respect and approval. Plus two teaspoons of envy – for spice. Anyone who dreams of an ideal figure hopes that sooner or later the training will lead to the same result as in the photo. The audience wants to admire the super-bodies, and the demand always creates supply …

In fairness, we should not forget those who severely criticize athletes for frivolous photo shoots. Charges of exhibitionism, marketing tricks, licentiousness and excessive self-advertisement are raining down. The reasons for the attacks are different: from religious beliefs to the belief that the sexualization of society will not lead to good.

A rather delicate topic is the Paraolympians’ photo shoots. 23-year-old Oksana Masters appeared completely nude on the pages of “ESPN”. Candid photos in this case make people reconsider their views on many issues. There is a reason to think: how limited physical abilities can interfere with the fulfillment of dreams and self-realization – it does not matter in sports or in photo art?

How do rowers react to criticism of their photo shoots?

Anyone who dares to criticize Ben Brown’s marathoner for appearing topless in a canoe is either a fool, a daredevil, or a lunatic. Rowers have extraordinary strength of mind and ability to concentrate. A remarkable effort of will is required even to simply agree to take part in any large-scale competitions, not to mention the very start.

Given this, we can assume that light criticism of photographs of the rowers does not care. A sense of humor does not allow one to take oneself too seriously, which is why athletes agree to playful photo shoots. The role that the filing fee plays in this agreement remains the personal secret of the model.

In hot pursuit

Publishing a “strawberry” immediately after the end of the Olympics is a common media trick. The fitness of athletes during this period is at its peak, as well as the interest of the public in them.

Immediately after the 2008 Olympics, the German champion in rowing in a canoe Nicole Reinhardt, together with three other participants of the Games, was photographed for Playboy magazine. Recall that the athlete won 8 gold medals at the world championships in rowing and canoeing and won the Olympic Games in Beijing at a distance of K4 500m. Having removed for the magazine, Nicole gave all her fans a chance to admire not only the gold medal, but also the charming bust.

Spanish rowers, gold medalists of the Beijing Olympics, Sol Craviotto and Carlos Perez, appeared in outright photographs in GQ magazine after the Games. They took the example of beach volleyball player Zara Dampney and other athletes from the British Olympic team.

In the photo on the left – Nicole Reinhardt (multiple world champion and Olympic champion of Beijing in K-4). In the photo in the middle – Saul Craviotto and Carlos Perez. In the photo on the right – Antonio of Russia.

Does the reputation of the athletes suffer?

Athletes, whom you see in the photo, have spent years on grueling training and fighting with themselves, both psychological and physical. Is the reputation of a professional rower, won by such hard work, can be tainted with a few frivolous pictures?

Nevertheless, photos in the “nude” genre, showing a completely naked body, cause a lot of controversy, because it is difficult to define the boundaries between pornography and erotic art. Art photo, hiding private parts of the body, but sufficiently provocative – this is what you need to strive for if you want to “tickle” the public, but at the same time not lose its respect.

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