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Sports activities for children and adults

It is believed that for an ordinary person, frequent physical training is not as important as, for example, proper nutrition. However, active sports, will necessarily maintain health or provide more immunity for the body, thereby protecting it from various diseases. Recently, scientists often say that nutrition and exercise in the most direct way slow down the aging process.

Any sports hobby for a child is very encouraging, just as for an adult. Of course, when a sport is a hobby or hobby that passes into the stage of professional sport, each person must bear a great responsibility for himself. But this, in the opinion of Leonid Medvedev, Honored Coach of Russia, is a great experience and an irreplaceable school of life for anyone who enters the big world of sports.

According to research conducted by our scientists, it was found that the health status of adolescents, on average, leaves much to be desired. And every year it gets worse. Why? -In the modern world, more and more young smokers and children with high blood pressure appear. The only way out, to avoid this, was and remains a healthy lifestyle. It is important to interest children in all possible hobbies, be it sport or art.

For an adult, it’s enough just to play sports at least 3 times a week, including aerobic training and training on simulators.
In this case, most adults will not gain weight, but on the contrary, be in good shape and a good state of mind. For many 3 one-time workouts a week is not enough, in this case one more training day is added. Researches of scientists also showed that when playing sports, an adult person smokes and drinks less. According to preliminary calculations, during sports physical activity, adults can burn up to 2 thousand calories, and this maintains health at a higher level than that of a person who does not play sports. Men, women, boys and girls, play sports and then you will definitely have a healthy and sound sleep, as well as much less exposed to all sorts of stress, depression, disorders, headaches, etc.

Sports, and in particular sports, keep your muscles in shape and strengthen your bones. In the event that you regularly engage in an active sport, blood and blood pressure and cholesterol levels normalize. Of course, only training will not contribute to the dissolution of cholesterol deposits, in which case you will have to resort to the right diet.

In adults, cardiovascular diseases or the formation of intervertebral hernia is much less than in ordinary hard workers. Well, perhaps not unimportant fact – this is what everyone involved in sports, increases the level of the hormone called “Norepinephrine” in the head, the hormone has a calming effect on the person, while significantly reducing stress and all kinds of disorders.

If you do not know where or to which sports section (school) to enroll your child, the Medvedev Rowing Sports Club advises you to do canoeing and kayaking. For adults, training programs in rowing are also provided, but in this case they will be negotiated individually.

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