How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most…

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Cherche la femme. Try - catch up!
Who said that the girls are weak and bring trouble to the ship? Superstition and…

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Cherche la femme. Try - catch up!
Who said that the girls are weak and bring trouble to the ship? Superstition and…


Sport and Poetry on Lake Inkit - Parakanoe Team
The reserved lake and the special atmosphere of the boarding house - this is why…

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The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…


rested in warm

Rowing, fitness and functional training

Rowing and functional training
In my hall for people with an average income, or economy class, the coaching staff is well prepared, but only two coaches give non-standard exercises. The rest stably “grow bodybuilders”, not releasing them far from the barbell and dumbbells. Stretching after strength training regularly teach only me. And four coaches from the direction of aerobics, that is, everyone does not understand how to work on “complex” strength simulators, do not know the techniques of basic power movements. Continue reading

Fill the board. Symmetry around us

At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake is absolutely still. Cutting the mirror with the bow of the boat is pleasure! If you do not row and look at the picture, then you will make a couple of interesting discoveries.
The symmetry on the water surface, an unusually pleasant to the eye, seems truly poetic to those who appreciate such a view of things. Continue reading

Rowing and canoeing 2015. Announcement of the season

It remains about two months before the start of the new season. Training camps will soon give way to competitions. What surprises, countries and races are waiting for us in 2015?
Spring races and their favorites
March 25 in Krasnodar will begin the first starts in 2015: Russian Championship and All-Russian competitions.
This year, unlike the previous ones, the first competitions of the season decide nothing, the athletes are not selected for the national team. Most likely, those athletes who will be on these dates in Krasnodar or nearby will take part in the competition. Continue reading

Winter Olympics - competitions of athletes from all over the world in regulated winter sports.…


Salo - strength, sport - the grave?
Almost all of us in childhood engaged in any sport. But only a few continue…


This article is not about "sports nutrition" i. anabolic drugs and various dietary supplements, information…
