Sports - Rowing and Canoeing
Do not forget that for many sport is business, training and training is aimed not…

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Trip to the Gali Sea in Abkhazia
Olga Fedorovna and Leonid Petrovich Medvedev visited a base that was once a center for…

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Training Music - Your Motivation
The incredible impact of music on the human body is still poorly investigated. It is…


Hungarian Blondes: Natasha and Danuta
This time famous sportswomen answer questions from KanoeSport: Natasha Dushev-Yanich and Danuta Kozak. It is…

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The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…


maybe even


The natural desire of any parent is to grow the child strong and healthy. Obviously, sports can help the child in this. However, there is not always an unequivocal answer to the question: at what age should a child be enrolled in a particular sports section or school?

Of course, everything is very individual here. What matters is the sex of the child, the degree of his development, and finally, a predisposition to any kind of sport. In this case, it is simply necessary that the child himself would have the desire to practice, because attending the “hard labor” workouts chosen by his parents will only negatively affect his mental health. Continue reading

Cherche la femme. Try - catch up!
Who said that the girls are weak and bring trouble to the ship? Superstition and…


Training diary or training diary
Some athletes who train on the water or in the gym periodically record something in…


Parents: how to instill in the child a love for sport
- The desire to start playing sports can not occur in a child by itself.…
