Kayaking is also a sport.
"Silent hunting" in our time is gaining momentum, according to experts. What kind of trophy…

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Rowing technique!
The theme of technical rowing and canoeing always raises lively discussions. In the center of…

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Sport and Poetry on Lake Inkit - Parakanoe Team
The reserved lake and the special atmosphere of the boarding house - this is why…


What you need and even need to take with you to the pool? This question…

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The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…


It was then that


How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think where to send their children to go in for sports often decide it based on their own taste and their unfulfilled desires. However, parents should be aware that the section they choose for the child, and therefore, first of all, you should focus on his abilities and capabilities.
The most important thing is not to hurry. Firstly, it is still almost impossible for babies to identify a predisposition to a particular sport. Secondly, coaches who are able to work with children are easy to count. Of the other sports at this age are available except wushu, aikido and alpine skiing. But it should be borne in mind that all such sections are commercial, there are too few of them, and they will most likely be away from your home. Continue reading


Baby hardening is especially important for toddlers of infants and debilitated children (premature, suffering from hypotrophy, rickets, diathesis, or other allergic diseases). Child hardening is based on the property of the body to gradually adapt to unusual conditions. The transition from weaker by tempering procedures to stronger ones (by lowering the temperature of air, water, and increasing the duration of the procedure) should be carried out gradually. Continue reading

Sports activities for children and adults

It is believed that for an ordinary person, frequent physical training is not as important as, for example, proper nutrition. However, active sports, will necessarily maintain health or provide more immunity for the body, thereby protecting it from various diseases. Recently, scientists often say that nutrition and exercise in the most direct way slow down the aging process.

Any sports hobby for a child is very encouraging, just as for an adult. Of course, when a sport is a hobby or hobby that passes into the stage of professional sport, each person must bear a great responsibility for himself. But this, in the opinion of Leonid Medvedev, Honored Coach of Russia, is a great experience and an irreplaceable school of life for anyone who enters the big world of sports. Continue reading

Adam van Koeverden: scammers have no excuses
A recent article about a baseball player who admits to doping has outraged Adam van…


Fill the board. Symmetry around us
At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake…


Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…
