Sports activities for children and adults
It is believed that for an ordinary person, frequent physical training is not as important…

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Trip to the Gali Sea in Abkhazia
Olga Fedorovna and Leonid Petrovich Medvedev visited a base that was once a center for…

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Sports activities for children and adults
It is believed that for an ordinary person, frequent physical training is not as important…


The art of being a coach. Profession nuances
We bring to your attention a chapter from the “Handbook on rowing and canoeing”, written…

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Frank photoshoot rowers
From time to time, athletes agree to provocative photo shoots and unequivocally demonstrate their excellent…


enormous loads

Sports – Rowing and Canoeing

Do not forget that for many sport is business, training and training is aimed not so much at developing your abilities as at personal income, so if you are an athlete, not a coach, think with your head, train, recover, take care of your health, correctly eat, do not listen to any left advice and …

Sport – Rowing and canoeing was originally included in the Olympic Games as the only men’s sport. Continue reading

Fill the board. Symmetry around us

At dawn, there is an hour when the surface of the water on the lake is absolutely still. Cutting the mirror with the bow of the boat is pleasure! If you do not row and look at the picture, then you will make a couple of interesting discoveries.
The symmetry on the water surface, an unusually pleasant to the eye, seems truly poetic to those who appreciate such a view of things. Continue reading

Florence Calcio – the most violent kind of football

Who is the toughest player in the history of world football? Here, as in the saying – “how many people, so many opinions.” Someone will recall the Spaniard Andoni Goicochea, who bore the characteristic nickname “The Butcher of Bilbao”. It was he who in September 1983 inflicted a serious injury to Diego Maradona, because of which he was forced to miss half of the season. Other fans may recall Wales player Winnie Jones, who was removed from the field 12 times during his career. Continue reading

This article is not about "sports nutrition" i. anabolic drugs and various dietary supplements, information…


Tips for the future world rowing champion
Tips for the future world champion in rowing. (2 part) Competitions are your finest hour,…


Rowing, fitness and functional training
Rowing and functional training In my hall for people with an average income, or economy…
