St. Petersburg rowers do not have enough water
Paradox: in the "city on the water" athletes have nowhere to row. The existing channel…

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Frank photoshoot rowers
From time to time, athletes agree to provocative photo shoots and unequivocally demonstrate their excellent…

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Doping is a special medication used by athletes to forcibly improve the performance of the…


Baby hardening is especially important for toddlers of infants and debilitated children (premature, suffering from…

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Salo - strength, sport - the grave?
Almost all of us in childhood engaged in any sport. But only a few continue…


Now and then


This article is not about “sports nutrition” i. anabolic drugs and various dietary supplements, information about which can be found on specialized resources, and whose positive effect on the body causes us to have certain doubts, namely, how to eat regular food during sports.

The human body should receive daily enough carbohydrates and proteins, as well as some fat, vitamins, minerals and plenty of water. The effectiveness of sports activities is associated with a significant activation of protein synthesis in working muscles. Continue reading

Parents: how to instill in the child a love for sport

The desire to start playing sports can not occur in a child by itself. Something should captivate the kid: the older brother’s story about training, watching interesting sports programs with parents, etc.

The son of Olya’s girlfriend at the age of six already had real biceps and was pulling up ten times – he followed in the footsteps of the dad-weightlifter. In our humanitarian footsteps there was nowhere to go, but the children still longed to touch the diversity of the world of sport. Soon our whole family life submitted to their sporting achievements. Continue reading

Two in a canoe: $ 20 fine

The appearance in America of the first recreational canoe caused a stir among the youth. The police had to patrol urban waters and issue fines for couples for indecent behavior. About the times, about morals …
Canoedling – new romance on the water
For nearly a century in the United States dominated the fashion of dating in a canoe. Lovers conquered nearby waters with enthusiasm of salmon, seeking to spawn upstream. The scandalous rendezvous received the unofficial name “canoedling” – from the German “knuddeln”, which means “strong arms”. Continue reading

What to do when a sports career is over?
Olympic career is short-lived. When it comes to an end, it becomes important whether you…


Meldoni: scandals, rumors, investigations
Large-scale scandal associated with meldonium, is gaining momentum. Because of him, Russia has already lost…


Dangerous rowing in Rio de Janeiro
Dead fish, shallowing, whirlpools, algae and viruses ... The problems are pouring into the Rodrigue…
