Hungarian Blondes: Natasha and Danuta
This time famous sportswomen answer questions from KanoeSport: Natasha Dushev-Yanich and Danuta Kozak. It is…

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Florence Calcio - the most violent kind of football
Who is the toughest player in the history of world football? Here, as in the…

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Ida go karting!
Labor days stretch and stretch, and do the weekends fly by completely unnoticed? How long…


St. Petersburg rowers do not have enough water
Paradox: in the "city on the water" athletes have nowhere to row. The existing channel…

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Tips for the future world rowing champion
Tips for the future world champion in rowing. (2 part) Competitions are your finest hour,…


is usually lost


How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think where to send their children to go in for sports often decide it based on their own taste and their unfulfilled desires. However, parents should be aware that the section they choose for the child, and therefore, first of all, you should focus on his abilities and capabilities.
The most important thing is not to hurry. Firstly, it is still almost impossible for babies to identify a predisposition to a particular sport. Secondly, coaches who are able to work with children are easy to count. Of the other sports at this age are available except wushu, aikido and alpine skiing. But it should be borne in mind that all such sections are commercial, there are too few of them, and they will most likely be away from your home. Continue reading

Salo - strength, sport - the grave?
Almost all of us in childhood engaged in any sport. But only a few continue…


Trip to the Gali Sea in Abkhazia
Olga Fedorovna and Leonid Petrovich Medvedev visited a base that was once a center for…


Main characteristics of rowing technique
Be aware, feel the technique in theory. We will try to deal with the main…
